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University Extra-sensory

Mind The word comes from the Latin mens, mentis, and the Greek nous. it is defined as the intellectual power of the soul, will, disposition of one that is expressed in words or an outward act; intelligence. For the philosophy of mind, is the same as the human soul is the principle of the act of understanding. As is often used as equivalent of the word understanding. Both Aristotle and in Cicero and Thomas Aquinas, the word mind is used to mean both soul and your intellect. Investigations by the Father Oacar Gonzalez Quevedo: From the earliest times extraordinary things catch the attention of mankind.

The Persians, Hindus and other peoples knew and practiced divination. Observation and analysis of certain extraordinary events prominently in modern scientific research. For centuries it has been ignored by science’s explanation of these wonders, as old as mankind. Whether real or imaginary, or attributed to natural forces above, have always attracted attention and curiosity of man. The Babylonians, Persians, the Etruscans practiced divination and evoked the spirits of the dead.

But the historical vestiges that remain from those ancient people are very few. The Bible contains many references to miracles, such as “the fantastic wonders performed by magicians of Pharaoh, struggling with Moses and Aaron, until those surrendered to the heads of the Jewish people, saying:” The finger God is here. ” “The case of King Nebuchadnezzar, become fierce, was a starting point to the abundant literature on the werewolves. “Jose has premonitory dreams and interprets the dreams of Pharaoh also prophetic. The condemnation of divination, spiritualism, witchcraft is seen in numerous texts of the Bible, indicating that it was a very common practice. The modern school of parapsychologist Rhine used the term “extrasensory perception” another parapsychologist named Tischner, preferred to call “extra-sensory experience.” As the word “experience” also implies a relationship with meaning; you prefer the term “extra-sensory behavior” for those who are not on par with the philosophical concepts. The terms “extra-sensory perception” and its abbreviation or GESP ESP (extra-sensory perception in general) were formalized in the first international conference of Parapsychology in 1953 at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. Didier Alexi known throughout Europe for its great potential clairvoyant was said he could see hidden things, as we see everything visible. It was characterized by the duration and continuity in their clairvoyance, to the point of almost complete their games of cards usually blindfolded (knowing the letters of his and your opponent). It was called the famous conjurer Houdin, to intervene in the experiment to discover the alleged fraud; being totally admired the phenomenon it I attended, which could not give any explanation through his art. For Alexis Didier closed book reading was a common experience.