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Hospital Calculation

'User CP'. 2. In the formation of cells in the current item plays a role category kind of calculation, which is formed in the form of edit type of calculation (Settlement Department -> -> tab "Types of calculation '-> edit form type of calculation). Rules for the types of calculations, see Section 2.4.1. 'User CP'. 2.1. In calculating the data cell types involved the calculation of 4110 relating to the accounting registers of the categories of 'Extra pay' and 'Other rewards and compensation', use the following categories: hospital (due to company) Hospital (in work-related injury) Hospital (care for the sick) hospital (maternity) hospital (at the expense of social insurance) Holiday (tariff) Holiday (student) Holidays (Chernobyl) Holiday (additional to the mother) Holiday (by collective agreement) Holiday (counting forward) Holidays (compensation) Holidays (compensation for dismissal) Severance pay Donor Gosobyazannost Training Day Compensation for delays in payments for deferred entry of holidays in the sum of the current report period depends on the sign in the register of reentrant account, which attributed this type of calculation. If the table for the reentrant type of leave account register is set sign 'X', then the amount of deferred vacation will be included in the current report.

If the table for this type of reentrant leave account register is set sign 'H', the amount leave the future period will be included in the report period for which appropriate charges were. 2.2. In calculating the data of the cell types involved the calculation of 4111 to the following categories of use: Holiday (tariff) Holidays (Student) Holiday (Chernobyl) Holiday (additional to the mother) Holiday (by collective agreement) Holiday (counting forward) Holidays (compensation) Holidays (compensation for dismissal) 2.3.