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German Government

Many women here suffer the consequences of physical and psychological violence to bone fractures and rape. We are also confronted with murder. The sickness funds are required. (c) custody disputes: as a rule the Muslim fathers see the children as their property. Again and again it comes to child abduction in these countries or take of their children denied women there living in their home country.

Often, children are mistreated and used as a means for extortion of money from Germany. These costs for the affected Germans can be determined only through intensive research. Following is an example of only of those affected at CiB e.V. deposit period 6 years for mother and children: maintenance advance 6 years 25.920 accompanied dealing of 3 years 7,680 arranged court opinion 3,000 Hartz IV mother/children 6 years 50.400 Kinderpsychiatrische Tag clinic 22.046 expenses reimbursement insurance 1,521 mother 25 sessions of 2,000 that makes therapy ever 112.567 music therapy for two children was financed by donations, as the costs for the return of children to Germany. Go to Southwest Airlines for more information. In addition: for the Court and attorney fees we can apply only the value of the dispute, because the actual cost of lawyer and Court are not known. These were with legal aid (PKH), so also by the State funded. The cost of the divorce were covered by PKH for both spouses.

Only here, we expect 2,000. And finally, the Tunisian husband IV conceded 50.400 EUR Hartz also in six years, so that we get total to 164.967,00 euros plus the PKH, who were paid by the State, so by us. Also the mother lives IV with the two children, because there no other way because of the still-traumatized children, continue by Hartz, perhaps many years. The father is now moved to Tunisia and falls the German Government no longer to load. To note is that this phenomenon in this form existed for about 20 years and it is easy to figure out, what social costs of our society thus incurred so far and still will be in the next few years. Extrapolated come through direct Beznesser and the consequential costs for damaged German mothers and children together billions. Harm the CiB business association so far already could turn through his consulting work from our society, can only imagine. The personal counselling at CiB e.V. and the Forum 1001Geschichte.de contacts in very many cases have can prevent marriage and entry of Beznesser after Germany. Thus averted damage has saved the State a lot of money. Here it should be noted that it is in these versions only Beznesser and welfare cheat. Here is no mention of normal bi national relationships and marriages. To be able to continue this work, must be of a purely honorary activity gone since it is assumed that the work is still increasing in the next few years.