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William Stantom

Since then this reality, has made that a CMO must continually monitor the competition to discover their current strategies or ongoing activities. In practice, the decision on the selection of the strategy is based on the analysis of the costs (ours, competition, customers) and the benefits of the different alternatives and their probability of success. The Marketing Manager will determine in which stage of the life cycle is your products or services, since this will be indicating changes in the strategy, the need to seek new markets, reposition, or develop new products or services. The marketing managers must develop strategies that should substantiate the orientation that we wish to give a product or service with the goals of profitability and assignment efficient resources. In this process it should assess carefully the impact that can have their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and competitive advantages for the companies.

This assertive decisions, should be taken in order to give way to actions that are transformed into competitive advantages through well integrated marketing programs that coordinate the price, product, distribution and communications from our offer of goods or services to meet the needs of a market goal. Is known and thus discussed in open forums organized by the Chair of marketing from the graduate program specialization management of the quality and productivity of faces of the University of Carabobo that decisions which a CMO must adopt are complex because of at least four reasons: there are a large number of factors influencing the market when you are repositioning or launching a product or service, are going to find a large number of factors, some non-controllable by you, that will determine the success or the failure of the marketing effort. Sales and profitability may be affected by the reactions of the competition, by changes in the national or international economic situation or in the perception of consumers. Marketing plans receive the impact of external factors that are uncontrollable many of our plans can be affected seriously by changes in consumer preferences or greater competition. Our sales and earnings forecasts may be affected by adverse situations of the economies of the world, the region or the country.

Marketing plans are unstable due to factors affecting the market factors that are beyond our control sometimes change quickly. Technological changes are an example of this and where they happen can seriously affect sales and profits. Marketing resource allocation is not linear it should not therefore surprise us, which is very common to see how the results do not correspond to the assigned resources. Is not strange that, for example, is double investment in advertising and that the increase in sales is rather modest. Moreover, a greater degree of complexity of the marketing decisions there are wrapped greater financial risks that may involve high investments of money. In addition, marketing decisions also have an impact in other units of the company as production, finance and human resources.