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Comments: Lying leg lifts are a great movement to emphasize the lower abdominals. This is important for a complete development of the abdomen. Remember: the ABS are a muscle and they are stimulated by overload. To increase it, you can place a dumbbell between your feet during this exercise. ELEVATIONS of legs hung muscles worked: the main muscles worked during elevations of legs hanging are the lower abdominals.

Second are the upper abdominals, obliques, and flexor of the hip. Necessary equipment: bar dominated. Runtime: Reaches dominated bar and let your body is hung. Lifting legs and takes your pelvis forward, contract your abdominals and rounding your lower back slightly. With extreme control, lower your legs back to the starting position. Repeat until you have completed the desired repetitions. Tips and advices: Keep the movement under control.

You do not balancees or pulse you to raise your legs. Keep tension in your abdominal in the low part of the movement. Do not fully pull legs so your abdominals are tight throughout the exercise. Comments: If you decide to complete this exercise, it could be you useful use straps. You will help your grip is not weak. The abdominals respond to overload as any other muscle. A disadvantage of this exercise is that it is difficult to add extra resistance.