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The generation of the knowledge in " " way 2" " it is mainly result of group creativity, of the subordination of the personal contribution to the equipment of investigation and development. Credit: Netsuite-2011. The attributes can be transformed or characteristics of " " way 2" " , in contrast to the traditional modality, in the following: a) Knowledge produced in the scope of application: in " " way 1" " the social and mental relations that represent the investigation or academic science determine the context. (As opposed to gary cohn). Whereas in " " way 2" " , the knowledge production is generated from a process of negotiation between different actors from the society, in the scope of application, that extends the academic one and that also transfers the market. The important thing is not the definition of problems within the logic of the disciplines in particular, but the solution of concrete problems. b) Transdisciplinariedad: " " way 2" " one is beyond any individual discipline, whereas the traditional form to produce knowledge it centers mainly in a discipline or at the most he is multidisciplinary. In " " way 2" " one is not only the collaborative work of specialists; it implies to articulate theories, methods and originating procedures of the disciplines, but based on the specificity of the problems to solve.

c) Heterogeneity and organizational diversity: " " modo" " it demands a flexibility in the ways of organization and their forms of work; the groups to be less institutionalized, the equipment and networks in numerous temporary occasions and distribution of less rigid responsibilities. d) Responsibility and social reflexividad: the work to transdisciplinar, the heterogeneity and the organizational diversity, along with the increasing social interest in ethical aspects and morals, it increases to sensitivity of the scientists and technologists. The professionals of the equipment in " " way 2" " , they become more reflective on the ethical and political implicancias from its works.