Tag Archive for law and order

Dutch Supreme Court

User terms and conditions should give to your partner under the agreement a reasonable opportunity to review the terms and conditions. It can fulfill this obligation by presenting terms and conditions of the other side of the contract prior to or during the contract. Follow others, such as Steven Spielberg, and add to your knowledge base. To transfer to the general terms and conditions should be taken seriously. In practice, however, is not always possible to submit to the terms and conditions before signing the agreement. There are three possible exceptions to the main rule of the agreement before signing the contract: General terms and conditions are too extensive nature of the treaty or prevents the use of the terms and conditions, professional contracting party does not understand the reference to the terms and conditions, for example, because he does not understand the language, both sides want to use and submit their own terms and conditions. Terms and conditions are too broad terms and conditions may be too vast to submit them to the before signing the contract. They are properly presented for review, if the consumer can go to the registration number of the general terms and conditions of the Chamber of Commerce and notifies that the general provisions and Conditions will be sent free of charge to the contracting party. Professional contractual partner German company entered into an agreement with the Dutch company.

The Dutch company reported its general provisions and conditions. The notes form the Dutch company had made reference to the terms and conditions. The dispute between the parties about the case was assigned to the Dutch Court of Arbitration, established by a competent court in Terms and Conditions. The German company challenged the dispute resolution procedure on the grounds that he had not been agreed, because she does not understand the reference to the terms and conditions. The Dutch Supreme Court ruled that despite the fact that the reference was to the Dutch, the German company is a professional company that manufactures the operation on an international scale and, therefore, should know that the form may include references to terms and conditions.


In our time of economic crisis, the work can be found not everyone. So a natural question arises: whether the unemployed foreigners to seek narrowed outside Germany? In response, we present the court decision. Ronald O’Hanley has much experience in this field. 'Divided' wife. Thus, in Germany, with the status of "Jewish" refugees with permanent residence, he lived a native of Georgia. He arrived recently, so the work has not yet found, and was the beneficiary, in material terms is completely dependent on the state. But this fact was not major headache young man. All his thoughts were directed to be reunited with his young wife and live here in Germany. Especially because she was pregnant.

The fact that the spouse with the unborn child will be far from him, feeling the need and lack of adequate medical care, public officials, of course, was not interested. For the formal condition – Sicherung des Lebensunterhalts – was not satisfied. Our hero is himself dependent on the state aid, not to mention his wife and unborn child. Anticipating the inevitable failure, the couple decided not to start the procedure for family reunification. But the issue on behalf of a young woman relative of a guest invitation to witnesses at least for a short time – took a chance.

Visa, the spouse to enter Germany. Embassy released a month quickly flew. It's time for the journey. But before leaving the woman's condition deteriorated. The doctor confirmed that the homecoming, given the characteristics of pregnancy, it is impossible (schwangerschaftsbedingt reiseunfahig). From that moment began the struggle for the right of spouses to reside in Germany.

Kiev Real Estate

" The amount of this just ridiculous when you consider that the rental value "6iznes" meter is at least $ 55. According to available data the company owns area of more than 30 square meters, of which the company has a month (again on the minimum) 1.65 million, with the skunk – 237 600 dollars Company earnings (conservative). It is easy to calculate that even 13 percent (and in this case, and all 25%) of the Income Tax this amount 30.888 million in, e. That's how long the metropolitan treasury received less over 15 years of a foreign agency. So that 53 thousand hryvnia "are granted to taxes and penalties" for which so warmly thanked Tax Inspectorate vigilant residents not otherwise mockery nal naive Ukrainians will not name, the author of these lines had a chance to talk with representatives of the company DTZ (not being a legal person passes the name of "GOOYOORD BV" all real estate). Their stance, as citizens of Ukraine, I would not dare to call patriotic. Fully protecting the interests of their overseas employers, they tried to convince me that the activities of their companies are very beneficial effect on the appearance of the capital, saying that completely revolutionized the purchased home, which previously represented a "bug-infested and krysyatniki" and expelled to the edge they need to be thankful for what is now live in a modern and spacious apartments. Complaints about the destroyed lawns, playgrounds for parking and other fire ladders with elevator additions in DTZ regard not only as "inevitable struggles of old and obsolete with the new and progressive." "The new and progressive – it is necessary to understand the company and its excess profits.

And the "old and obsolete" – simple Kiev (Citizens of Ukraine), which is so "lucky" to live in the capital of European state … So it turns out: someone "democracy" and who is a mother. Does such activities of such foreign firms to national interests of Ukraine and its citizens? Of course not! And if so, whether it is time to stop the relevant authorities, with the strongest possible terms, like strangers on our outrage, his native land? RS. When the material was gotovkpechati, we learned that a certain company Ucaptal Partners (UP) in conjunction with private investors from Western Europe have completed the acquisition of a portfolio of office buildings Prime Kiev Portfolio, owned gollandskoykompanii GOOIOORD V. V. In the UP crossed the leading specialists of the company DTZ,-the report says, but in fact such a public relations company, is nothing more than to distract from the tax in excess profits of the company GOOIOORD V.V.", which is currently working as safely and continues to work to become super profits. Victoria YASNOPOLSKAYA 23-29 October 2008, "Pravda Ukrainy"

Employment Investment

Companies investing in the energy sector are eligible for additional tax cuts, depending on the percent of investment. Investment Scheme for energy saving is relevant only for the equipment, which coincides with the special requirements for performance (SAC) of energy. These requirements, as well as equipment that falls under the jurisdiction of the investment scheme, introduced in 2007 List of Energy, which is reviewed annually. Farba aim of this scheme – to encourage investment in improved working conditions. Incentive of the subsidy – a reimbursement for equipment that improves working conditions.

The scheme applies only to equipment that is included in the list of Farben, which is published by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. List updated annually and published, it includes equipment which: reduces or prevents contact with hazardous substances, reduces or prevents exposure to noise, reduces or prevents physical load. BBMKB Purpose Plans Warranties lending to small and medium businesses – to promote credit support of small and medium businesses. The scheme was designed for companies with a maximum of 100 jobs and it is used even the most experienced entrepreneurs. If the employer can not provide sufficient guarantees for a bank loan or to provide documents proving the availability of collateral, the bank may apply in BBMKB for the necessary guarantees. Then the government under certain conditions will give the necessary guarantees on the part of the loan. This reduces the risk of the bank and increases the client’s creditworthiness.

KIA declining investment in The equipment gives the entrepreneur the right to decline investment in production equipment (in 2007, this reduction exceeded 2100 euro). You invest in equipment that you buy it. Decrease in Investments Equipment is only valid in the year of purchase of equipment.

Reorganized Principle

The main question that arises before the reorganization of the participants – what is the rights and responsibilities must go to successor. Legally it was definitely that: 1) The full rights and duties can be transformed into a merger, takeover and transformation, ie to the same assignee, and 2) The full volume – more than one successor in accordance with their shares. This can happen only in case of separation. 3) In case of separation, when one company is allocated one or more of the rights transferred partially. To answer this question, we need to begin to define the principles on which to follow the reorganized entity. There are four basic principles: the principle of technologically– the territorial principle – conservation principle and the principle of repetition. Technological principle involves the separation of assets and liabilities of commercial or non-profit organization. The division of assets and liabilities is based on activity of the organization.

This principle finds its application in the distribution of assets, with the definition of succession, with the distribution of unfinished construction, manufacturing, accounts receivable and payable. Regional printsippodrazumevaet division of assets and liabilities, depending on the area where the property will be located at the outbreak of a legal entity rights to use it. The territorial principle is applied to objects of general economic fitness center, children's camps, and so on. The principle of conservation grants rights and obligations related to payment taxes, an injury to the health and lives of workers who appeared before the restructuring process of the legal person. Finally, the principle of repetition, which is used for the distribution of accounts payable, loans and other obligations. The main requirement is that shareholders may propose the reorganization – a fair division of property the organization and its obligations. The criteria for equitable distribution of assets is liquidity ratios, financial strength, solvency and others.