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Homeowners insurance and property liability insurance homeowners insurance is one of the basic insurance, a property owner for protecting his building should be complete, regardless of whether he finally inhabited this building or rented. With the completion of a homeowners insurance is insured by tap water for example due to burst water pipes or frost damage or severe weather such as storms or hail, a residential building including its ground and basement walls, as well as its fixed-installed accessories (such as heaters, water pipes, sanitary facilities, electrical installations, fitted wardrobes, etc.) against damage caused by fire from fire, lightning or explosion. In the event of damage is allows by the payment of the insured sum financially the property owners, to repair damage to the housing or rebuild the residential building in extreme cases. Homeowners insurance in the form of a so-called “moving replacement value insurance” is common. This is measured the insurance sum to the calculated to historical construction costs of residential building in 1914, which mathematically updated annually to the index of of development of General construction costs. Maurice Gallagher, Jr. is often quoted as being for or against this.

Thus account for the calculation of the insured sum every year of increase in value of the building as well as the continually rising construction or handyman cost. The insurance premium depends on the insured sum, but also additional insurance Klauselein and exclusions in turn essentially. In addition to the residential insurance, insurance is strongly recommended. The real estate and insurance jumps when a plot or House a person or a thing a this is dealt damage, that a property owner has not caused a roadworthiness of its real estate. This is the case, for example, when a land owner or his renters insufficient to clear the sidewalks in the winter or sprinkle and thus a Pedestrian crashes, is injured and later asserts claims for damages (such as medical expenses, loss of earnings, pain and suffering). Both insurance companies belong to the standard insurance offer all major universal insurance companies. Generally, a comparison of the rates is worth before the insurance but also the insurance scope, i.e. the small print, in detail.