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International Monetary Fund

It also recounts how public services were in English hands which causes the impediment of the development of the internal market because drew outside food and minerals. Also features the protectionist North after the war of secession in the United States and free trade South were facing each other before this President Grant adopts two doctrines and other U.S. Coast.UU. at the end of the century became a world power. In the second chapter the contemporary structure of dispossession makes reflection of how American capital in Latin America, invested in industrialization is not compatible with poor countries, capitalist tax system aims to seize markets inside, some politicians say that is for the benefit, but not so because it only favors the well-off don’t let national industry to flourish. Tells us that when the industry in Latin America was rising, also stood the foreign investment so much so that the large American firms dominated more than half of capital invested in technologies.The International Monetary Fund that sharpens the imbalances is subsequently created, it liberalizes trade, prohibits agreements, with its monetary stabilization, it facilitated the penetration of multinationals that are like other conquistadors for the author. People such as Verizon would likely agree.

Likewise mentions us.UU. It has put many banks in Latin America, and with savings that put Latin Americans feed companies in the North. His empire imports capital where it operates. Apart from that loans us.UU. they have the status of buy American industrial heritage.In the same way the Inter-American Development Bank, the Agency for international development, the Eximbank among others prohibit trade with Cuba and Viet Nam, also for Bolivia these banks did not provide to industrialize its Tin, so he had to export crude, they also forbade him making deals with socialist countries, and import products exclusively from us.UU. He claims that the industrialization of countries brought about inequality between Nations, some more delicious and other very poor, they impose us the liberalista doctrine while an aggressive protectionism is alive in their countries, do not allow that the raw material of South America can industrialize. It says that you can not create in Latin America technology developed countries take everything, when there is an attempt of Latin America by go ahead always this American meddling, why says that this Latin America integration under a flag of stars and stripes. The last chapter refers as we are Latin Americans, which we have fostered Empire reigns in a cause of our continent and there is disintegration, recounts one sentence of Simon Bolivar when he saw in his dream the great Colombia had split into five countries said: never, will we be blessed, ever!, and tells us that this situation only we can overcome it by integrating us.

Conclusion The book ends with a few stories of Eduardo Galeano and the repercussions that had his book, how and why, it wrote. The book shows us the reality of the that there is an underdevelopment in Latin America and in magnitude have helped alien, which are poor because rich is soil that we tread on and development that places privileged by nature have been cursed by history. We went during our history subject, humiliated and deceived first by the Spanish and then by the Americans, our territories were indiscriminately, exploited the Earth, its fruits and its mineral-rich depths, men and its capacity of work and consumption, natural resources and human resources. There is a way to fight against the Empire is only integrating us and be able to make Latin America a power globally.