Tag Archive for consumerism


The social and environmental consequences of consumerism are in sight of those who want to see. Growing social inequality, exploitation of nature and unsustainable waste generation. From our place, we have the ethical and moral obligation to become responsible consumers and encourage responsible consumption. To do this we must inform us about the products and services we consume and be aware of the power to change things that we as consumers Wikipedia has an interesting question about it and said, what are the main reasons that consumerism is encouraged mainly about follows: The advertising, which sometimes manages to convince the public that an expense is necessary when once considered a luxury. The willingness of many disposable products The low quality of some products that carry a relatively small period of life which are attractive because of its low cost but more expensive long-term leave, and are more harmful to the environment.

Some diseases such as obesity or depression that makes us believe more easily in misleading advertising, believing this that we can solve our problem indiscriminately consuming food, beverages, miraculous or other products. The inappropriate disposal of objects that can be reused or recycled, either by us or by others. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Ron. The culture and social pressure also presents Wikipedia as a topic very interesting analysis, such as effects of consumerism: Global: Consumerism is harmful to the ecological balance in full and that there are currently many problems related to excessive consumption of natural resources is global and the production processes mostly cause pollution. Regional: The preference of unnecessary or substitutable products in a population that are produced in another region to help offset the trade balance between the regions. Social support is often poor distribution of wealth and that consumers are generally of a lower socioeconomic level than the owners of the companies generating products objects of consumerism. The trash problem is also serious. Family: The fall in consumption increases our cost of buying unnecessary things that could prevent or reduce as products whose advertising promises miracles, low-life products or substitutes for other natural products. Staff: Various options are less healthy consumerism which are not.

For example, take an orange juice at home instead of buying a packaged also contain preservative, comes with packaging that ends up in the trash inorganic. Cultural: The cultural expressions as carriers of meaning and values are modified so that today the young generation are being trained, be prepared to eat and not to be an independent and critical Wikipedia also adds another very significant, as All types of product is low quality. For its relative shorter margins have material / benefit less than the respective highest quality and will cost a bit more. Packaged foods and bottled beverages. One example is to consume two liters of water a day split into four half-liter bottles. After a year will have produced 1460 bottles of waste. Crockery, cutlery and all kinds of disposable. It is comfortable for its low price disposable, however the overall cost considering the environmental impact is important to be attentive to their behavior as consumers and we suggest you simply buy what products you really need, otherwise it will be trapped in the consumerism to very cost representative in its economic, physical and even psychological.