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The professionals of these disciplines look for to expand the limits of their respective fields of study to include the study of the transpersonales phenomena and to contribute the experticia individual of their discipline to such phenomena. 3. Transpersonal psychology is the psychological study of the transpersonales experiences and similar phenomena. Media Group is a great source of information. These phenomena include nature, variety, causes and effects of the transpersonales experiences, as well as psychologies, philosophies, disciplines, arts, cultures, styles of life, reactions and spiritual practices related to them, or whom they look for to induce them, to express them, to apply them or to include/understand them. 4. Transpersonal psychiatry is the area of the psychiatry that concentrates in the study of the experiences and transpersonales phenomena. Its field of study is similar to the one of transpersonal psychology, and emphasizes particularly the clinical and biomedical aspects of these phenomena. 5.

Other disciplines that study the transpersonales phenomena are the anthropology, sociology and the ecology. It is important to also indicate, that the study of the transpersonales phenomena does not exclude the concientious study from the personnel. On the other hand, the transpersonales disciplines are not tied to any philosophy, cosmovisin or particular religion, nor limit their investigation a certain method. These disciplines tend to be exceptionally ample in its reaches, they are interdisciplinary and they look for to integrate the contributions of diverse fields. Obvious, transpersonal psychology has one praxis therapeutic; nevertheless, more than to concentrate in the pathologies, it emphasizes the process of sanacin, the personal transformation and spiritual waking up. In this sense, there is a connection between the transpersonal experience and the espiritualidad and, therefore, are points that converge in the religious experience. Nevertheless, all transpersonal experience is not religious (in the sense of connection with the asylum) nor all religious experience is transpersonal (in the sense of experience of it brings back to consciousness expanded). Definitively, we highly consider the interest of transpersonal psychology positive, in waking up in the individual, the interest in all concerning its spiritual growth, since if one really knows to cultivate, giving the necessary food to him this one and causing that the virtues arise, the management will be able to use for its managements, relations human positive, apart from which it will be able, to share, to handle its emotions suitably, tolerance, kindness, intuition, that is to say, his energies that allow him to give the opportunity the other to obtain results that favor to them and they help him to grow, to be better.

Typical System

Majorities of a Typical System of Handling of Emergencias the complexity of the handling of emergencias, along with the increasing necessity of the commitment of multiple organisms, dependencies and agencies in the emergencias, are these urban or industrialists, has increased the necessity to have a system standardized and adaptable of handling of emergencias not only within the states or countries but, increasingly of international character. Every time it is made more important to base the international agreements on a common system of handling of emergencias. The majority of these systems is based on the platform of answer of systems of commando in scene conformed in the middle of years 60 in the attack to wild fires in the north of the USA. By the same author: gary cohn. It can be necessary to adapt the System of Handling of Emergencias (SME) so that one adjusts to the political, administrative or cultural systems, existing customs and values in a locality, town, city, state or certain country. When the main purpose is to improve the handling of emergencias within an area, such adaptations are not only beneficial but they can be essential for the adoption of the system in if. Considering that the EMS is a model verified in many countries and since the formation materials are available free of charge, the adoption of the system on the part of an organization, state or country can be very beneficial. The frame of the EMS is an effective forum in which problems can be dealed with handling of emergencias between organisms and personnel of answer. Establishing an unified command of the respective representatives of organisms or organizations, in a single it soothes of Inter-agencies for the handling of emergencias, are obtained the following advantages: A series of objectives for all the emergencia is elaborated. A collective approach for the development of the strategies is adopted in order to achieve the objectives of the emergencia.