Customer Service

legodo study: Deficits often result from personnel shortages and many trade companies in Germany to review their service organization insufficient technical support critical. They attributed this mainly to personnel shortages and inadequate technical support, have set a scheduled but mostly improvement measures. This determined the legodo ag in a study of more than 100 large and medium-sized trading company. It turned out, that only every sixth company called the quality of the own service management in the commercial ideal, more 28% rate it as largely suitable for use. But more than a third of self-critical points to significant weaknesses, one-fifth of the trading companies sees even profound quality deficits. The background is less, however, that so far no sufficient importance was attached to the service orientation.

This judge only 39 percent of those surveyed. Significantly more falls in the weight that seems too low in trading personnel Resources for the service tasks exist and this also not enough are supported with modern techniques. Nearly two-thirds cite these aspects as a reason for the inadequate service quality. But there are also other causes: so three out of five specify the respondents, that lacks clear concepts for the design of the service processes and the service organization is not enough integrated into the customer management. More than every second trading company lacking according to the legodo survey but also on a quality monitoring, so that many problems can be analyzed not systematically. Derived the question is interesting, where the executives questioned in the trading companies would apply, to get to the customers to an improved quality of service organization.

Want this to put nearly three quarters mainly due to a more comprehensive use of the customer information. But to give more efficiency and transparency, also the service processes seems to represent an important lever for them. As is in every second Case set the customizable complaints on the agenda of important optimisation measures. But that was not enough. Because the opinion of 60 per cent of the respondents, they should coordinate their communication with customers internally better is also striking. Similar to many think one step further and want no longer confined in the future in addressing the customer on the classic communication channels. Exactly in this area legodo-Marc Koch’s also crucial approaches for trade, Board to produce powerful effects in the quality of service. Furthermore, a company will personally experience and trust built up. In this respect a customer-oriented communication helps considerably to increase customer loyalty, increase the rate of return and to strengthen the loyalty of shopping”, he stressed. For this unless necessary, all in the various systems of a company include stored customer knowledge in communication and dialogue with customers about the desired To make communication channels of the letter via E-Mail or SMS to Facebook. This can be realized only with customer communications management solutions that are not yet present in many commercial enterprises”, says Koch.

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