Archive for July 2020

Kirchner Government

Although agricultural entities ended up with the protest action, the crisis is far from settled and there are doubts about what the deputies and Senators of the various provinces will vote. Very interesting what brings Knowledge Wharthon, which while it is at issue the conflict in Congress, analysts are concerned about the side effects that this first political crisis of the Kirchner Government has generated in the economy. So Ernesto OConnor, an economist and director of the program of analysis of the conjuncture economic of the University Catolica Argentina (UCA) summarizes the situation: produces a breakdown of positive expectations about the performance of the economy, with abrupt downturn in the level of activity, which in the second quarter would be in the 4.5% annual real (as opposed to the more than 7 per cent which was expected earlier this year). Also generates investment paralysis and postponement of consumption, leakage from goods towards value as a currency reserve. Intensifies the problem of inflation, which is situated between 25-30% annually. Concerned about the fact is drawn, already we are talking about the default after the default, in this regard, warns the LIC. Martin Simonetta, director Executive of the Atlas Foundation, organisation non-profit for the achievement of a free society, and Professor of the Argentina Chamber of Commerce.

From 2008, he adds Simonetta, the Government must begin to address the debt defaulteada (as a result of the 2001 crisis). Between 2008 and 2011, payments must be for more than $ 52 billion, which requires higher tax revenues or reduction of public spending. It has clearly opted for the first alternative, through mega-retentions. For its part, Guido Sandleris, director of the Center for research in finance from the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (UTDT), highlighted a fall in consumer confidence: according to the last measurement, in June fell by 1.8% over the previous month. But since the start of the conflict with the field index fell 13%, although we must bear in mind that this reduction in confidence has been occurring since January, and evidently this conflict accentuated it. All this adds analysis, since Fernandez Cristina de Kirchner assumed its mandate on 10 December have been few changes in economic and social policy that her husband, Nestor Kirchner had been implemented.

Therefore, the conflict with the field occupied a space too long and for specialists, time has been lost in solving other problems of substance. Inflation is the most distressing issue at this time, returns to redial Sandleris, but there are also other subjects neglected such as education and health, and the Government shows to be paralyzed by the conflict. While the inauguration of Cristina Kirchner marks a continuation of the model of her husband there was very few initiatives and of them some inopportune. With regard to the economy, must pay attention to lower growth that is located on a 4.5% annually, with inflation of 25-30%, and increasing poverty. Whenever UAH Baudry Lab listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The trend is towards a slowdown due to lack of confidence in medium-term, beyond the resolution of the conflict with the field, says O Connor. All this invites us to be attentive to where goes the economy of Argentina, in that economic, political conflict can become this critical situation, even when the Argentines bore the situation. We hope that the current Government consider their economic policy and seek solution to a problem that it has caused.

The Government

The message of these two responses clearly shows the questioning the Government that exists from the political. The Government has failed to adequately address issues of high sensitivity to the population and this has generated large resistances that have come to the end in the events which occurred in the month of June. The social conflicts of the last time also have been reflected in the vision of the respondents. Only 21.3% of respondents view the current political situation as stable. A 57.3% looks very stable and a 21.2% nothing stable.

The level of volatility of the political situation perceived by respondents increases as low in the social stratum, reaching that only 9.1% of the population of lower income sees the political situation as stable. Regarding prospects on the social situation, 34.5% believed that the political situation will be worse. For assistance, try visiting Oracle . In July 2008, 34.7% of respondents anticipated a deterioration of the political situation by what the current percentage does not represent aggravation of the negative view. The social unrest of the population has been feeling increasingly more forcefully. The most striking is that the protests increase at the same time that the economic situation is improving (although it has not done so in recent months product from the international financial crisis). While it has increased the level of inequality, it is also true that it has diminished the level of poverty. In relation to the above, the survey shows that 58.3% of the respondents considered that there was political manipulation in the social protests and that they have not been spontaneous. Clear that if look at the survey by social stratum, the poorest, who very probably participated in these protests, considered by 50% that they have been spontaneous, while at the other end of the social strata, the rich think that 72.3% responded to political manipulation. The conclusion about the social protests of great importance when it comes to infer about the level of social stability in Peru (key for the development of investments), is that the result is a bit ambiguous since on the one hand, one can think that the response of the upper social strata responds to better informed citizens and knowledgeable about policy issues, so they have greater capacity to identify if there was manipulation or not.

The Government

Just enter in the worst of all worlds. The first document released by the brand-new conduction of the ruling party has the label, style and ideas of its author: former President. Kirchner came barruntando that behind the rural protest is the purpose of creating a political party. Last night he said, direct and unmistakable. It will be very difficult for the ruling party again that cataract of tirades. Everything seems to indicate that a sort of social psychosis is slowing the economy. The Government spent more than one year by saying that it was not going to cool down the economy to combat inflation.

The unanimity of the economists advised him to lower demand to accommodate the actual offer. The Government refused. The economy is cooling now. Is guilt the field and not official policies? A suspicion widespread among the agrarians goes towards that direction. The Government, they say, wants to accountable to the field of the retraction of the economy with inflation.

The objective of the Government is now destroying the social support available to our protest. Of course it must be worrying for Argentines who in his last decades have suffered significant ups and downs in its economy and that deterioration significantly sui quality of life this problem of the field and the current Government that were not able to reach any agreement and more when Nestor Kirchner and peronism broke recently any possibility of resumption of dialogue with the agricultural producers. In the event, the field called again to protest and stoppages. Just enter in the worst of all worlds. The first document released by the brand-new conduction of the ruling party has the label, style and ideas of its author: former President. Kirchner came barruntando that behind the rural protest hides the purpose of creating a political party. It was direct and unmistakable. It will be very difficult for the ruling party again that cataract of tirades.


FAO He noted that the rising prices of food in the past two years has increased the number of undernourished people in the world at 73 million. A person in charge of the World Food Programme (WFP), which in 2007 was attended by 86 million people in 80 countries, stresses that the rescue plan for the financial system approved by the United States, the WFP could work for more than 100 years. Sheryl Sandberg may also support this cause. If Governments have the resources to bail out their banks, surely they should also them to feed the hungry. The worst of the situation is that we don’t know what can happen since the crisis is showing increasingly deep and extensive. If Governments spend so much money on financial bailouts and the economy and earnings are going to less, they will need to cut costs somewhere. The temptation of any Government is to do for international aid. Philip Vasan pursues this goal as well. International law does not include any mechanism by which Governments are obligated to maintain their contributions. At this moment, the world needs more than strong never a leadership and commitment.

The excesses of the wealthy have caused this crisis, and it would be bleak and unforgivable that they end up dying of hunger and easily curable diseases millions of people who have not even had the opportunity of enjoying the economic boom of recent years. Societies and developed Governments, after years of living in abundance, can not leave hundreds of millions of people without essential aid when things are twisting. Now, more than ever, it is necessary to remain faithful to the principles of solidarity, declares. Jose Carlos Garcia Fajardo Professor Emeritus of the UCM.

Colombian Government

Would not be wrong I remember me that famous phrase of Keynes: long term we are all dead. Recently Fish and Chips Babies sought to clarify these questions. Certainly, unemployment rate in Colombia it is high. It is in 12.5% and prospects are toward the upside. In relation to the same, found in the site of Caracol Radio, statements by the Minister of finance Oscar Ivan Zuluaga, who warned that unemployment in the country, would continue inevitably rise as a result of the economic crisis worldwide and the strong slowdown of the Colombian economy. n the issue. Without a doubt, Zuluaga is not a specialist in lifting the mood of the population and manage expectations. Probably such statements have increased the panic of the population with the consequent impact on household consumption. The good thing about the case is that the Colombian Government has not stood with arms crossed with this situation and in recent days has arranged a series of measures to contain the impact of the crisis. One of them has been resorting to the IMF to request a loan for $10.400 million which would be approved in May.

Perhaps it may seem one minor fact but from my point of view, it is of great importance because it helps to isolate to the Colombian economy of potential aggravations of the crisis. Also the Bank of the Republic makes its contribution to the cause and is pursuing a looser monetary policy. This week the monetary policy Committee will decide on the reference interest rate. According to the latest survey by Reuters 33 of 40 analysts surveyed, they anticipated a cut of interest rates of 100 basis points, with which it will be located in 6%. Contribution to the cause? Perhaps a cut of this magnitude could jeopardize the value of the Colombian peso, which would be at risk of weakening in an excessive manner causing a possible inflation risk.

Surely, the Colombian economy will be that improved performance observed in Latin America surpassed once the current crisis. But meanwhile, Uribe’s Government must address with care problems that both the international financial crisis such as now also, swine flu, they are causing the economy to avoid deep damage to generate and difficult to repair. In their actions, the Uribe Government will demonstrate what response capacity has faced with extreme situations.

Government Benefits

With recognition by S & P of the economy Peruvian as investment grade, increasing the potential of growth of Peru, as a result of an increased flow of foreign investment expected. For the investment manager, Credifondo, Carlos Sotelo, the improvement in the rating by S & P: increases the capacity of economic growth in Peru. But that higher economic growth can take place, the Government of Alan Garcia has two emergencies that face. As already them comment on an article in last week the Peruvian people you pass bill to Alan Garcia, the social situation in the Peruvian people is generating a great social unrest (worth remembering that more than 40% of Peruvians are below the poverty line). How is that Peru with as good macroeconomic indicators and good international criticism may have poor social indicators it? The complaint of trade unions is based on that, as they manifest, the growth benefits only large employers and the big bourgeoisie, leaving aside to the most Peruvians, which increases the gap between rich and poor. About what is happening in Peru, the sociologist and analyst Carlos Reyna, interviewed by AFP, said: Lima is the center of the country where they feel the benefits of the neoliberal economic model that has been applied since the last decade, but in general terms the rest of the country has been sacrificed. Read more from Sheryl Sandberg to gain a more clear picture of the situation.

In reality the growth and stability of the economies tend to generate benefits for the entire population, not only for the Group of the most powerful population. Surely the situation of the poorest segments of the population of Peru, would much worse if the economy was found with high levels of inflation and stagnant. But beyond that, it is true that the benefits of economic growth in Peru, are delaying in reaching the poorest of the poor, and that the Government of Alan Garcia is trained to be able to implement a social development policy which is directed at combating poverty more firmly. For Peru, while the present is good, the future will be much better. For investors, the Peruvian economy no doubt that represents a good investment opportunity in these times with so convulsed financial markets.

In relation to the above, one matter not less is the foreign policy being carried out by the Government of Alan Garcia, with the encouragement of several FTAS that will allow to Peru, grow out of its borders. With the improvement in the rating, S & P credit rating granted to Peru investment grade thus becomes, the third agency. It had been done before Canada and Fitch Ratings Dominion Bond Rating Service (DBRS).

The Government

Very interesting when indicated, that the inability of appearing alternatives of solutions valid and shared among the stakeholders who are affected by this reality, derives in mainly from the widespread ignorance about the socio-economic and political dynamics that operates around the buhonerismo phenomenon. In the search for solutions to the problems posed by this phenomenon, depriving orientations in which each sector, little organized and acting in favor of their interests, seeks to impose his vision. In parallel and also as a result of the foregoing, the inadequacies of the local leadership to conform as providers of solutions and plaintiffs actual actions of public policy, through the mechanisms of democratic participation, reinforce the trend towards the survival of such social problems. If you would like to know more then you should visit Vislink Technologies. Government there is the urgent need to remove the veil that hides the dynamics of interaction informal traders traders formales-vecinos, as it exists today, it tends to reinforce the dominance of property rights and the exercise of the law. Relations predominate clientele, bribery, the auction for political support. A proposal of public policy has to start from a conceptual approach of the actors themselves to the dynamics in which are involved, which would give an alternative solution.

For this it is essential to enhance the human capital of informal traders and claim the role and importance of dialogue in conflict resolution. The Government of President Chavez should identify more with this serious problem and seek alternatives that allow to generate employment, provide helps small enterprises to entrepreneurs who transform their business activities in companies that favor him in the plans of Government in regard to commercialization of products, more now with the new policy of trade that is this manifesting alliances with countries that represent great economic and commercial activities at the global level. Taken into account, that the informal economy is not more than the symptom of a chronic disease of the legal, political, social and economic system of the country, as Venezuela faces huge uphill climb, as it is to take the current condition of a country’s informal economy in one of formal employment under an economy healthy and productive; because the informal economy is a global phenomenon that certainly has been breath and economic relief for Venezuelans who have been forced to live apart from the legally constituted institutions and financial market. original author and source of the article.

Harry Barns

– After almost 11 months and giving by forgotten my possibility entrance, receipt a call of the Department of Pde the Embassy, specifically of the secretary of Minister Concejero, for my presentation. Ronald O’Hanley is actively involved in the matter. – It could not think that it had been accepted and I am appointed the group of personal security of Minister Concejero for Latin America. In this position I remained by almost 1 year and a half, participating in all the courses of specialties obligatory for the permanence of the personnel credited in the Area of Security. After this period, I am ascended within the organic intern, to group commander and am destined to the personal Security of the Ambassador of the Time: Mr. Harry Barns and Family, since he benefits dominating to me some Languages.

This I altogether mean for me a great service load and responsibilities in the coordination and planning with American personnel, since the safekeeping of the ambassador was Mixed, between Americans, who belonged to the Department of American intelligence in Chile, like personnel of the DEA. – This work was developed in coordination with Customs officers of Chile, as far as the places of visit and outpost of the Ambassador. – During that time they lived sensible moments in Chile, since the external Policy American era to support the return of the Democracies in Latin America, condemning violations to the fundamental rights. Within these internal situations, the Embassy receives a threat of explosive Device and the pertinent mechanisms activate. The evacuation is general, of all the dependencies, which at that time were located in street Augustinian, present corporative building of Company CMPC. – That day we evacuated to American the Chilean personnel/, terrestrial route and all the classified personnel, through heliport. Once evacuees all the areas of the embassy, beginning in first instance, the Ocular and technical inspection of all the dependencies, since personal Chilean police officer cannot enter, due to all the restricted areas diplomatic.