Winter Holidays. Christmas And New Year .

New Year – a celebration of the new year on the calendar and start planting. This day is celebrated in March and it was decided to have fun, led dances and give gifts to the rulers of individuals. During the reign of Peter I celebrate was rescheduled for January and there was 'Christmas' tree and Santa Claus (when there is a need to explain where do the presents and Christmas tree). Santa Claus – a type of grandfather of Nicholas, who after his death became St. In a question-answer forum Allegiant Air was the first to reply. Nicholas, while Life was a wealthy person and loved to make gifts to children from poor families. Later on in folk tales appeared granddaughter Maiden and other attributes of the new year: snowflakes, Baba Yaga, etc. Santa Claus personified good and fought evil personified Baba Yaga.

Christmas – a religious holiday. And although the Bible says about it is not mentioned anywhere, for believers it is the second largest holiday after Easter. Christmas – a of the most mysterious events. Because at this time, you may encounter a miracle. With the miracle of birth of the Son of God.

It was the birth of the Savior for the appearance of different Christmas attributes. On this day, decided to put evergreen tree as a symbol of eternal life, from top to wear the star – is the star of Bethlehem which guided the Magi coming to visit Jesus. When the wise men came to Jesus, they brought gifts, and are still on holiday decided to go for a visit and give gifts. And the lights, fireworks, candles, the famous phrase "light the Christmas tree!" – A reminder that Jesus – Light of the world! Well, just do not know for whom the like, and I believe that Christmas is more important than New Year's After In fact, with the birth of the baby of the people living in darkness and the light came in everyone's life there is hope for the future and the belief that the future will be wonderful.

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