Trust Management

‘ Control is good, confidence is better. ‘ The communication expert Jorg E. draws this conclusion Allgau from his current research on the topic of trust management Munich, March 25, 2009 – straight must increasingly companies the crisis at times on the value of the trust, to win and keep customers. The greater the confidence in a product or brand, also the customer loyalty is the stronger. Jorg E. Allgau has teamed up with the theme of trust and trust management in integrated corporate communication service company employs and presents the results in this book.

Central objectives of service marketing and modern corporate communications requirements are described in detail: what are the criteria for a systematic and strategic management of trust? Jorg E. Allgauer gives detailed answers on this question. He discusses the relevant key concepts and models related to trust management in relationship. In addition, he makes the marketing potential and limits of the concept of trust out. Jorg E. Allgauer delivers an integrated communications approach for the analysis and planning of trust-based corporate communication with this work. The author Jorg E. Allgau: the communication expert is head of communication of the HypoVereinsbank.

He gained his experience at the Bavarian broadcasting, finance spokesman of the Allianz Group and as head of corporate communications at Fidelity Investments. The German-Americans studied economics and political science in Germany, Great Britain and the United States. He completed his studies with a PhD and MBA. Dr. Jorg of E. two-wheelers first work the left and the right hand: motifs of to create an endowment Nomos was published by Verlag 2008. Jorg E. Allgau trust management: control is good, trust is better brain script Verlag, Munich 144 pages Softcover 49.90 euro ISBN 978-3-9808-6781-8 brain script presented using trust management: control is good, trust is the first book of his better new series business edition, in the regularly updated title in the fields of Economics, marketing and communications will appear in the future. Founder and CEO Dr. Nikolai A.

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