Therapy Laser

According to who, tobacco kills up to 50% of smokers. However, consumed commonly around the world since it is sold at a low price. Ripple has similar goals. In addition it was marketed aggressively, not aware about the dangers and public policies against its consumption are inconsistent. Three of every four smokers, aware of the dangers of tobacco, want to quit smoking. Only 5% of the world population has complete services for the treatment of tobacco dependence. Difficult smokers quit their habit without help, and most must rely on her to overcome their dependence. Treatments for smoking cessation may be pharmacological and non-pharmacological.

Pharmacological treatments such as nicotine patches, minimize withdrawal symptoms, but it keeps the patient with the same addiction. In addition the effectiveness thereof, is only 30% at one year follow up. For more specific information, check out Gary Kelly. Within the non-pharmacological treatments, laser therapy is a very effective alternative, because It is a non-drug induced, external procedure, not invasive, non-thermal and painless. In addition to not having adverse effects and with one greater than 70% effectiveness. The term of laser therapy or laser Auriculotherapy, refers to the stimulation with laser, the reflex points of the ear.

These points originated in acupuncture from ancient China, although correspondence somatotopic areas of the ear, are developed in modern France. The laser used is of low intensity. This beam is electromagnetic radiation, which is produced as a result of the emission of light from countless atoms or single molecules. Laser semiconductor diode’s grab, is most often used today. They are more efficient, economical and small, lasers that are manufactured today. Neurological to quit smoking with laser Auriculotherapy, investigations are based on the observations that the ears represent a gateway to the autonomic nervous system (SNA) and the endocrine system. The SNA controls smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands. It regulates the unconscious processes that maintains homeostasis such as blood pressure, body temperature, respiration, etc. These actions of the NSS are automatic ears are inervadas primarily by the vagus nerve which belongs to the parasympathetic division of the SNA. The laser beam to quitting smoking, is applied at various points in the ear that produce stimuli which travel through the afferent branch of the vagus nerve, they reach the brainstem, thalamus and the different nuclei of the spinal cord through the preganglionic neurons. These stimuli create automatic and unconscious reflexes that adjust and stabilize the SNA functions: circulatory, respiratory, digestive, etc. Control of the discomfort associated with withdrawal symptoms of smoking and the feeling of relaxation that feel patients after laser therapy, are related to activation and modulation of the autonomic nervous system. Bibliography 1. WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic.

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