The Dark Side

One man who loves and gives life, the other one that kills. In the heart of every one of us is a constant struggle between that is reasonable and what is not, and Reason does not always win. Eric Kuby recognizes the significance of this. The Dark Side of the soul, what a civilized man consciously, but mostly unconsciously suppresses in himself, often breaks out and spreads evil. I do not know who I am God, or an animal, but I know who want to become the best human minds, I know what they dream of working on what has spared no effort and not stopping before any victims. Munear Ashton Kouzbari understood the implications. Thus, huge amounts of money now invested in studying and solving the following problems: The problem of physical immortality and health maintenance.

Perhaps no other issue did not care about humanity is stronger than the inevitability of death. Man has an amazing gift – to know what to expect, anticipate future. After all, no other living creature known to us, clearly does not realize that death is inevitable and oppose her more instinctively. People fear death, and seeks to avoid it, to prolong his days quite deliberately. This is the worst confrontation between the mind and yet we are not subservient to the laws of the material world, one of which says "everything has a beginning – and has an end." And other worlds yet. This is a desperate struggle with the inevitable and mental anguish are reflected in the many religions of our world, which promise ravaged mind of a man who does not want to die, that in fact he did not die, that his soul is eternal, he psychotherapeutic nature.

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