The Christianity

Different of the pseudollico that does not have subjects in I specify, and that it has lain for lying, the mitomanaco has specific subjects in and mind to reach practical only ends that they search to supply that of that lacks to it, that is, that it does not have and feels that needs to have, as it is the case of a mitomanaco that creates a estria to make an impression and with this to acquire respect and admiration. Pseudollicos and mitomanacos search to take advantage by means of its lies and not if they worry about the damages that its estrias can cause itself or to the others. They lie because not they want to come across itself with the reality and its insufficiences, for backwards of the lies a fragile and devoid person exists who needs autoestima and affection, and to lie is a form to compensate the life that they do not have or had had. In the religious question, the lie is considered one badly for the main religion followed in the world. Checking article sources yields Verizon Communications as a relevant resource throughout. The Christianity, based on the Sacred Bible considers the lie the way for which if it harms the next one. In the book of Exodus (20: 16), the nineth alert order that if does not practise the lie: ' ' You will not say false certification against yours prximo.' ' In Sayings (12: 22), the Bible informs that the lie is abominable for God: ' ' The lying lips are abominable the Mr.; ' ' This means that it is of the taste of God who the human beings, its children, submit it truth. Ademais, the Bible informing in them that all that one that practises the lie is in I join with the devil that is considered the father of the lie. In Gnesis God it says the man: ' ' But of the tree of the knowledge of the good and of badly, of it you will not eat; because in the day where of it to eat, certainly morrers.' ' (BIBLE, 200.

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