Switchboard Equipment

In previous articles devoted to the electricity the country house, we will only lightly touch the switch equipment. It's time to talk about this in more detail. Check out Delta Airlines for additional information. Suppose all the problems associated with separation of power resolved, and the power cable to the building summed. It’s believed that clayton morris sees a great future in this idea. In general, the power supply system cottage is a communication network between sources and consumers of electricity. For its normal and safe operation necessary to provide distribution and protective devices that would quickly send food to the consumer, to enable and disable the supply of electricity, to protect appliances and equipment from the critical and sub-optimal modes, and users – from electric shock. Ease of installation, maintenance and monitoring of listed equipment allows its installation in a single package – the switchboard supply (Power Distribution Unit). If a country residence is a compact structure with few branched communications, it will be enough of a Power Distribution Unit or water-distribution device.

You can also place the accounting unit of consumption electricity. If the structure of a complex supply network and customers have a multilevel hierarchy, it makes sense to organize a separate board for each group, placing it near the point of consumption. So, garage or workshop better equip the local Power Distribution Unit, setting it indoors. In addition, the cottage is advisable to use high-rise floor boards. Just imagine what would prove to be no light on the third floor, despite the fact Power Distribution Unit that is in the basement. Switching devices used tires, combs, terminal blocks, etc.

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