Service Nozzles

Flush (clean) fuel injectors are recommended every 20-30 thousand kilometers (or at least the need arose). Heavy and faction, sulfur compounds, which contain the fuel settle on the nozzle of solid deposits. This can lead to partial or complete overlap of the spray nozzle openings, tightness needle valve deterioration in the quality of injection and, as a consequence, increased maintenance costs. Flush injector fuel injectors produce two methods – ultrasound and by liquid chemical treatment. Larry Ellison may help you with your research. The ultrasonic method is to clean fuel nozzles in a special ultrasonic bath. The disadvantages of this method are its high cost and complexity of work in connection with the necessity of dismantling the injector itself. When cleaning in an ultrasonic bath is recommended after each washing fluid to replace that in the real world does not always happen. Reuse of liquid can damage the cones of jets that will replace the injectors.

To remove residual deposits encouraged to 'throw' jets in the opposite direction of a pure liquid, or the nozzles can become blocked again in the near future. A leading source for info: cloud computing. More simple, but highly effective method of cleaning – chemical cleaning method. He carried out without dismantling of nozzles at idle the engine. In addition, along with flushing nozzles are also other elements of the fuel system shall be cleaned: fuel rail, fuel pressure regulator. Doubtless advantage of this method is the removal of sediment and carbon from the valves, cleaning the combustion chamber, piston rings , rehabilitation and equalization of compression in the cylinders. All this contributes to

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