Saint Augustin

This if verifies in the destruction of a figueira for nodar fruits, and of the drowning of two a thousand pigs, for Jesus Christ, who in visode Saint 3 Augustin if shows to correlata with the vision of Aristotle animal deescravatura. This meaning well is known, for Aristotle the capable seresmenos would have of course to serve to the capable, and nesteembasamento pautado in the rationality concept; eestrangeiros animals, women, slaves, only existed to serve the rational man. destepensador certainty is essential to understand the vision of Saint Augustin on mentioned Biblical apassagem. to understand, other maisbenevolentes tickets concerning the nature and of the 4 animals. The Greek thought was not uniform, and possua vriascorrentes of thought antagonistic. The school of Pitgoras, for example, nailed the respect to the animals, for perhaps believing, in the transmigrao dasalmas.

But it was the thought of the school of Plato, of which Aristotle foidiscpulo that it won the shock ideological. For Aristotle the animals existempara to serve to the human interests. It does not deny that the man is one animal, he places but it in a superiority position, when he alleges that the man is umanimal rational 5. It served of base for the vision reproduced for the Christianity erepetida for Saint Augustin, who as much the animals, how much the nature noprecisavam to be treated in the same way that the human beings. 6 the cristianismotrata, therefore of a fusing of ideas of as the Jewish culture perceived anatureza and relations of the man with this, based in the domain of the nature, and nohomem as a divinizado being, not a simple creature, and yes as the criaoespecial of a God and, therefore, heir of the creative potential the holy ghost.

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