
Leading recruiters now understand the importance of branding, and they will continue to emphasize the use of marketing and PR-programs for building an attractive image of a company. Recruiters will be performing at public events, in universities and elsewhere, where the "inhabited" potential candidates. They will teach and encourage our employees to tell them all about the benefits of their company, its excellent management. Recruiters will be the future of marketing professionals research. They will conduct surveys and focus groups to monitor in order to define the criteria used by the best candidates for acceptance or rejection of a job. Recruiters will determine criterion by which potential candidates to decide on what position and which company to apply to him. They will have much more information about the best candidates, what is presented in summary: what and why they are not satisfied their current work and who influences their decision to accept work. Recruiters future will be experts on the use of technology in all aspects of recruiting.

They will be well familiar with both the tracking of applicants, and with the most advanced search tools on the Internet. They will visit the personal home web pages of candidates, as well as chat rooms and forums where the best talk "frames". Recruiters future will constantly monitor and verify the effectiveness of mechanisms for sorting and selection of candidates. Instead of relying entirely on interviews, they will be able to remotely evaluate candidates and also give them solve real problems (or simulation). Recruiters consider the future of recruiting as a rival game. Recruiter of the future will continue to experiment with new tools and approaches. Recruiters will be able to determine the effectiveness of new tools, and quickly inform his colleagues of those who work and those that do not work. Increase the role of associations and recruiters.

Recruiters of the future will always strive for knowledge, and learn from his best colleagues. Here are some changes that will occur in recruitment over the next 10-15 years. Some argue that most of these changes are already happening in the best recruiting companies in the world. So, time for change has come.

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