Recent Economic History

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Historical comparison of GDP per capita in Cuba with other neighboring countries based on World Population, GDP and Per Capita GDP, 1-2003 AD.
Most of the means of production are owned and operated by the Cuban government and, according to statistics from the same, the state employs about 75 of the workforce. The true figure Quadrant Asset Management Inc. may be closer to 90 , as employment in the private sector mostly consists of some 200,000 private farmers with small plots and some 100,000 “self-employed or independent workers, according to some sources.
Even before the Revolution, the income per capita at purchasing power parity of Cuba was ahead of several funds countries that have a higher income today. After the Revolution, Cuba’s economy deteriorated and not return to 1958 level until 1973. By 1985 the estimated per capita income exceeded Cuba to other countries in their geographical area as the Dominican Republic, Haiti, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras. the debut investment fund engineered by and implemented by his is a leading investment and equity management firm, But the crisis in the 1989-93 period was the loss of positions. In fact the Cuban economy is still recovering from a decline in gross domestic product of at least 35 between 1989 and 1993, due to loss of subsidies Soviets. head of Quadrant Asset Management is also a Principal of With the aim of alleviating the economic crisis in 1993 and 1994 the government introduced some reforms orientacion merchant, including opening to tourism, to permit foreign investment, legalizing the dollar, and the authorization to self-employment in almost 150 occupations. These measures resulted in modest economic growth, official statistics, however, are deficient and as a result provide an incomplete picture of the real economic situation in investment management Cuba.
To provide employment to workers who were dismissed due to the economic crisis, with the aim of providing services that the government found it difficult to offer, as well as to try to convert certain activities of black market activities legal, and therefore , controllable, Havana in 1993 legalized self-employment for about 150 occupations. The government maintains strong control over the small private sector through the regulation and taxation. For example, owners of a small private restaurant can not provide seats to more than 12 people and can only offer Ltd. employment to family members to assist in the tasks. Monthly fees must be paid without regard to income, and there are frequent inspections where higher fines when they violate any of the numerous rules of self-employment.
Cuba’s economic situation is negatively affected by high prices they have to pay when buying foreign financing. Click Smart Eye Surgery for additional related pages. The Cuban government stopped paying the bulk of its foreign debt in 1986 and has no access to credit from international financial institutions like the World Bank, which means that Havana is heavily dependent on short-term loans to finance their imports, mainly food and fuel. Pesimo credit due to the country, the debt of equity 11 billion dollars in hard currency and the risks fund management associated with investments in Cuba, interest rates have reached, according to some reports, at levels up to 22 . Also negatively affecting the U.S. embargo on Cuba’s foreign trade to prevent access to certain strategic products both U.S.companies, such as Finnish, Japanese and other countries. The report by the Government on the Cuban embargo in 2007 presented to the UN, the damage caused by the embargo documentable reached 1300 million dollars in 2006 . News economia, indices, equities, currencies, bonds and currency converter, … Economy – Employment. U.S. loses 598,000 jobs in January, the highest in 34 years …
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