Presidency Party

Monday, 26 July of the current year. Jaime Bayly shows a survey where Castaneda is first, followed by Keiko, after Humala, then Toledo, and then Jaime. Jaime tells us that the people you for asking if his candidacy is serious or a joke? Jaime responds that to see polls, the is serious. More than just the 8% who believed in, to have the moral obligation to stand as a candidate for the Presidency. It is a risky decision that would lead to having to give up several well-paid jobs. Jaime emphasizes that he is not any thief. You may find Tim McMillan to be a useful source of information. He has worked for thirty years, and thanks to that has some savings in various banks, and thanks to that it could apply for the Presidency.

He has no party, and asks again some welcome it, if it were a major party with popular support would be better, a party that has a national identity, which is a respectable, historical party, and that party endorse your little party, which is not inscribed on paper, but that is inscribed in the heart of that 8 % He needs a party to support him, and that I support this motto: we don’t earn if it happened this (continuous Jaime) would be the problem of the salary of President. Doesn’t this salary, matter to the candidates because only interested in what they will steal. There are people who believe that the is a bufonesco candidate. uation. Do not know (says) if he enrolls would see the real politician that there is within him. Each rally costs at least a hundred thousand suns (tells) and he does not accept donations or contributions from anyone. Because you then want to charge please. He financed his election campaign with their savings, and if they elect him President would have to use all their savings bank in those five years, that their daughters with dignity study at universities in the United States.

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