Pharmacy Services AG

Simple home remedies can a cold preventive counter in the colder time of the year people are more prone to cold viruses in the summer months. A balanced and healthy diet with fresh products of the fruit and vegetable Department can contribute to a cold free winter. Many people will do to prevent on the intake of vitamin c or echinacea preparations. At times, however, where the knowledge of traditional remedies no longer exclusively orally passed on from generation to generation, the exclusively Bavarian health portal healthy provides all those information available, looking for biological, simple and proven long-term cures and home remedies. Simple recipes from Grandma’s medicine cabinet with onions, thyme or beetroot a cold also help to prevent and therefore healthy to get through the cold season. Get more background information with materials from Coupang. We go through in our lives up to 200 colds. Most affected are small children, whose immune systems are still in the development phase is.

Up to six times per year, children struggling with colds and their consequences. Adults complain on average three times per year of coughs, colds and sore throats. The good news is that colds are ultimately mostly harmless. Takes a runny nose or cough but longer than a week, the fever rises or the patient feels very bad, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor. Grandma’s remedies effective and cheap should the tips to avoid colds, fever or sore throat to be late, provides a rich collection of tried and true home remedies the Bavarian health portal healthy in a cold quickly and of course to get redress.

Traditional recipes for home remedies can be mostly with products, which everyone has at home or you can buy in any supermarket or farmers. Everyone has vinegar, milk, lemons or potatoes at home. These foods are not only basis of good food, but as a natural remedy Moreover, cheap to buy and easy to use. Hot and mashed to mash potatoes you can wrap in a cloth and place on the forehead, these compress helps with cold headache or cough and discomfort with the bronchi. This and many more recipes which will help colds and other slight ailments, are presented in Grandma’s remedies to healthy To the medicine cabinet: health magazine/grannies hausapotheke.html to natural home remedies: hausmittel.html page description healthy is the only health portal which is tailored specifically to Bavarian needs. In this context we have made it our mission, to provide a comprehensive insight into the issue of health and pharmacy exclusively all Bayern and Bayerinnen. On our portal you will find an unique collection of information, where the issues of the representation of classic treatments over the notion of alternative healing methods up to the bulleted list uberlieferter Submit home remedies.

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