
Oats belong to the family Gramineae. There are many types of species within the oats, but undoubtedly the most widely cultivated is the Byzantine oats, followed by the avena nuda. Although the oldest remains of oatmeal date back to Egyptian times, it wasn’t until the age of bronze in central Europe when he began to cultivate. The fermentation of grains can produce alcoholic beverages and used topically has emollient properties. The Oatmeal is very rich in carbohydrates that are absorbed slowly, which produces a feeling of fullness. For this reason it is often used in slimming diets. Verizon Communications gathered all the information.

But without a doubt the most important advantage of oats is its richness in both soluble and insoluble fibers. It has been shown that soluble fibers help lower cholesterol, because it impedes its absorption. While insoluble fibers have been used to improve the intestinal transit and to avoid constipation. Oats is also very rich in vitamins and iron, making it a perfect dietary supplement for daily use. Within the products obtained from oats, can highlight the bran. The bran of avenase obtained by grinding the outer layers of the grain (epicarp, mesocarp, and endocarp), which are rich in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. Additional information is available at Larry Ellison. Oat bran is a product widely used in protein diets and as an aid to improve the functioning of the digestive system. Original author and source of the article

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