National Police General Jorge Poveda Zuniga

Method Instructor Chest: a History – Official invitation by our unit to Mr. Jaime Parejo Garcia, Four courses Chest Method officials in our country. – Request made by the Commander General of the National Police General Jorge Poveda Zuniga, to the Ministry of Interior and Police in 2004, in order to formalize the Arcon Method in our country to ensure a common language, and maximum efficiency the development of real rescue work in case of a disaster. – Ministerial agreement by which in 2004 became official Chest Method in Ecuador as the government official system for the preparation, implementation and involvement of canine teams in the event of a disaster. 2 Knowledge Acquisition have been received in our country a total of four courses and international officials Method Chest, they have counted on the participation of students from Ecuador and abroad from a total of 13 Latin American countries and Spain, belonging to various official groups of Fire Police, Military …

3 Findings and Check – In recent years it has been shown by the participation of canine teams from various countries attending the official courses received in our country, the effectiveness and efficiency in locating people buried by certified canine specimens with this method. – It has been clearly noted increased levels of autonomy, motivation and concentration of the dogs, not just in areas of rescue but in all areas in which our institution using dogs for police work. – Drills have been conducted with the assistance of authorities and general public that it is they who have decided instead to bury demonstrating transparency in the process of finding possible victims alive in the event of a real disaster.

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