Brito Proper

In accordance with Brito 1998 apud Joly (2003, P. 116), musical educator to learn music means: To extend the percipient, expressive and reflexiva capacity with relation to the use of the musical language. It is important that in the musicalizao process the concern biggest is with the general development of the child, assured for the learnings of complementary aptitudes to those directly related to the musical comedies. It is important also, according to author, who the choice of each one of the musical procedures has for objective to promote the development of other capacities in the child, beyond the musical comedies such as: capacity to combine itself in the group, of auto affirming themselves, cooperating, to respect the colleagues and professors, to behave of a tolerant form (to respect opinions and proposals of that they think different of it), of being solidary and cooperative instead of competitive, to hear with attention, to interpret and to base personal proposals, to behave comunicativamente in the group, to express themselves by means of the proper body, to transform and to discover proper forms of expression, to produce proper ideas and actions. In this direction, importance is perceived it to be inserting in the infantile education musical activities. The necessary commitment to be of all involved in the process the teach-learning, parents, educators, psicopedagogos, supervisors, at last all that direct or indirectly can contribute for the integral development of our pupil. You may wish to learn more. If so, Litecoin is the place to go. Music works the child as a whole and develops attitudes and essential capacities in the formation of the conscientious citizen of its rights and duties stop with the next one. Hentschke 1995 apud Joly (2003, P. 117) researcher and educator in music, enumerates some reasons important to justify the insertion of music in the school: The development of its aesthetic and artistic sensibilidades, the development of the imagination and the creative potential, a historical direction of our cultural inheritance, half to exceed the social environment musical universe of its and cultural one, cognitivo, affective and psicomotor development, the development of the not-verbal communication.

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