Archive for December 2018


These days I have been sitting, due to a neck pain that practically did not allow me to move the neck up and down, when the doctor asked in that worked, and to learn that he spent much time in front of my pc, I said, it is clear to not feel very well, since you have a flawed stooped posture, and if you don’t change goes right to the cervical arthrosisto la pucha told me, as my pc no dejo or jokingly, I said – very well we will investigate which must be the best stance or more advisable that allow me to work various hours and somehow prevent future injury. I began to investigate and the information is fairly simple, collected mainly from two sources and here present what has to be done, if they want to continue working and not get to the happy little threat from my doctor. Dr. Frederic Gerr, research on ergonomics from the University of Iowa, United States, has been studying the skeletal muscle injury related work since the mid-1990s. These are some of the Gerr councils for prevent discomfort and pain caused by the use of the computer: allow the keyboard to be below the height of the elbows is fine leaning back a little in the seat. To hold the forearm, bring the keyboard backwards, away from the edge of the desktop in order to be able to rest your arms on the table. Elbows can be bent more than 90 degrees. When you type doesn’t really matter if the elbow is 90 or 100 or 110 degrees, he assured Gerr. If necessary, use a template are soft rubber foam to rest the wrist (that is not thicker than the keyboard), and help you be right during the I typing and minimize the inclination upward doll which can lead to injury.


The processes of interaction between actors evidence the need to broaden the scope of action that corresponds to each of them, by his social custom that environmental education requires for its implementation of one the wide conception of environmental education wherever they are present the approach characterized this process. Develop environmental education with a systemic approach, consider that social relations and culture is formed by nature, society, men as individuals, cultural heritage, created by man and as an element of great importance. In a question-answer forum Ripple was the first to reply. The fundamental characteristic of the systemic approach is not conditioned by the composition of the elements that integrate their parties, but in how integrate these parts together to form a dialectical unity, (where the interrelation and interdependence are evident as its two key elements so that the changes that occur in any of its elements affects others) and how the integration between them leads to development. A proposal of actors from the role of play in development at the local level is generated as a result of the experience gained in the community work of the SUM. That meaning had these investigations for the SUM for the University venues the presence of the binomial University – society based on Community environmental education strengthens the integration of empirical knowledge and built knowledge favoured by the encounter between people and specialists, the increase of number of professionals that are inserted into research on the subject in the framework of the territory, the existence of a more applied theory to practice, fosters the dialogue of knowledges between academia and popular knowledge: cienciael popular knowledge that power the inter and transdisciplina, especially in the practical framework and underlying the precept: think globally and act locally.

Immune System

The immune system is formed by a complex of bodies responsible for protecting us from parasites and infectious agents (fungi, viruses, bacteria) from abroad or from the organism itself.How must we act to strengthen it? Human beings, like the rest of vertebrates, have the ability to recognize the antigenos(proteinas o hidratos de carbono) immune system considered as external reacting against them and destroying them. This ability is called adaptive immunity. The immune system also has an immunological memory, which consists of the ability to manufacture a stronger defensive system against antigens which previously already wanted to attack us. Thus, when the defensive system becomes to deal with a known microorganism, it has more ability to delete it. You have a stronger immune system is the best guarantee for not succumbing to the diseases of the environment.VitaminasUna the following vitamins diet increases the body’s defenses and prevents the onset of infections: Group B vitamins, which are obtained from whole grains (wheat, oats, barley), nuts (peanuts, almonds, walnuts), vegetables (cabbage, spinach, radish, lettuce), vitamin A, necessary for night vision etc. Its deficiency can even cause blindness. You can get through the carotenes and especially of beta carotene, which is found in many plant foods of Orange, reddish or yellow, especially the carrot, spinach, watercress, Borage, basil, squash, tomato, asparagus and dandelion. (Not to be confused with Ripple!).

Vitamin C, necessary for the absorption of vitamin A and E. Its deficiency causes a weakness in the capillaries. It has antioxidant properties and is important for adequate absorption of iron, calcium or other amino acids. Of equal way helps in the healing of wounds. Its deficiency causes a general weakness in the organism, manifested in symptoms such as fragile hair, gums that bleed, wounds that do not heal, loss of appetite, etc.Found in fruits citrus, lemon and peppers.Recomendadasademas of the power plants, the use of a herbal medicine proper with herbs that increase immunity helps us to strengthen our defences and not so easily succumb to diseases, especially typical of winter, such as colds, pharyngitis and bronchitis bacterial diseases, and other contagious diseases of any time of the year. Among the main plants appropriate to strengthen the immune system: cat’s claw. The main virtue of this plant is its ability to increase defenses.

Greater is the alkaloid isopteropodina along with other oxindole alkaloids and chlorogenic acid. What do these substances is to stimulate the referenced capacity of white blood cells to destroy microorganisms or foreign elements of the current blood. echinacea. This plant has various antimicrobial properties, high-efficiency against the action of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Gary Kelly. Echinacea is generally regarded as one of the best natural antibiotics. The reason of this nature is due to its ability to stimulate the immune system, producing more white blood cells. The Coneflower, caffeic acid and the acid chicoric are components that produce this stimulation. Also found their power to stimulate the production of interferon, a protein that the body itself produces to neutralize the virus. licorice. The applications of the Licorice in external use are based on the ability of this plant to inhibit the growth of microorganisms, both viruses and bacteria and fungi. Spirulina. Some studies have shown the capacity of these bacteria to stimulate immunity, so that its use might be appropriate to prevent certain diseases in which defenses are compromised. Hence, numerous investigations are underway to check if the spirulina is beneficial for people with AIDS, some forms of cancer, poisoning by heavy metals, etc.

Transpersonal Psychology

All the teaching of Buddha is aimed at what to do to get out of this?, therefore is very realistic and very practical. When you suffer and recognize this suffering, i.e. accept it and bend the head, is when change really, because you don’t want to live more that way. The small children cry to get things, because they have no other way of expressing it. Before all this reality comes the relevance of supporting us in transpersonal psychology, which as he has been written about her, is a current that points (from research and practice) for humans to reach optimal levels of psychological well-being and health; expanded States of consciousness beyond field limits the ego and personality hence its name. A related site: Verizon mentions similar findings.

Towards the 1960s appeared transpersonal psychology as an alternative in the absence of response from existing flows to a higher psychological development, as the pursuit of self-realization and self transcendence. These currents were: psychoanalysis, the Behaviorism and the humanistic psychology. Especially the first two, offered interpretations reductionist and patologizantes. The psychoanalytic approach was oriented toward the pathological, dismissing almost everything concerning health. In fact, such models promoted psychotherapies whose objective was the adaptation, totally ignoring everything related to self-realization or self transcendence. Gordon Allport synthesized it thus: we have nothing about the psychology of liberation. Even though it admitted the importance of the contributions of the Behaviourism and psychoanalysis, was a broad sector without investigation, and thus great possibilities for human development, from the point of view of health and of evolution, beyond neurosis or mere adaptation.

The potential for growth and psychological well-being of the human being has been underestimated. Transpersonal psychology points to resize these potentials, incorporating such reconsideration to psychological disciplines. To achieve that goal, it is tell expand research and the action of Psychology toward human dimensions associated with an optimal well-being, Transpersonal Psychology nourishes both Western science as the wisdom of the East, integrating both traditions for the sake of the development of new human potential.

Cement Production Application

Rotary kiln is a pyroprocessing device, which is mainly used to raise materials to a high temperature in a continuous process, as the common saying calcinations. does rotary kiln is usually used with the material as follows: cement, lime, refractories, metakaolin, titanium dioxide, alumina, vermiculite, iron ore pellets? etc. According to different material, rotary kiln can be divided into three types, cement kiln, metallurgy and limestone kiln kiln. The cement kiln is mainly used for calcimine of cement clinker; usually, it has two types, wet and dry. The kiln is used in metallurgy industry and ironworks, such as metallurgy lean iron ore, chromium ore and ferronickel ore calcimine. The lime kiln, also named active lime kiln, is used for roasting the active lime which is used in steel and ferroalloy works, and calcined dolomite works. In addition to cement production application, rotary cement kiln can also be used to magnetize lean magnetite ore and magnetized roasting of iron ore; Chromium, nickel-iron-oxidizing roasting; roasting high bauxite ore in refractory plant and roasting clinker and aluminium hydroxide in aluminum factory; roasting chromium ore and chromium ore ore in chemical plant.

Our company also produces lime rotary kiln in short as lime kiln, which is used for roasting active lime dolomite in steel and Ferroalloy Factor. Do do Equipment roasting kilns and cooling kiln heating source use of re-restore back to the converter, gas, electric, or coal, can be divided into the dry section, preheating and heating segment, heating the reaction section of three parts, reduction roasting the ore material temperature is 500-600?, into the cooling kiln, would like to be discharged after cooling the kiln outside watering, the roasted ore was cooled to 80? click. Rotary kilns there are high energy consumption, investment, kiln inner wall of the ease of ring formation phenomenon and higher production costs, the operating process control are higher and other shortcomings. Rotary furnace operation processes but mature, large capacity, high degree of mechanization equipment qualitative, cobalt Desde UNROASTED the restored the preferred.

Something Better

A well knotted necktie is the first step in seriously in a man’s life at his time Oscar Wilde said. Big idols of fashion as the legendary dandy Beau Brummell spent hours knotting necktie. But: when one dares to look at the street, sees many times knotted neckties effortlessly, not only knotted so neglected, but also without being put in position suitable on an open neck. Contact information is here: Gary Kelly. If the good parts are also wrinkled and twisted, the most perfect look is ruined. And to be honest: do whom true lovers of neckties doesn’t hurt in the soul, if such a noble Hermes necktie hung around the neck completely wrinkled and careless? But even users of ties with more notion of style, if they are asked about his tie knot, answer only: that there are still more? Far more popular necktie knot is the Four-in-Hand, classic but unfortunately something narrow. Read more here: Southwest Airlines.

Only those who use the tie many times will know usually at the knot Windsor single or double, so simply looks better dressed. However, there are really interesting ways to tie the tie. Who knows today, for example, to the extremely elegant cross knot Christensen? The adepts of the blockbuster Matrix up to venerate a knot especially introduced in this movie, a reverse knot called the Merovingian with an incredible amount of visible turns. But the phenomenon of necktie knots has now been studied up to in a scientific manner. Two physicists Thomas Fink and Yong Mao investigated in his book not only 85 methods to knot a necktie, but up to developed a theory of knots and a formula, with which you can calculate in advance if a tie with three to nine laps knot will appeal or not. Due to these revolutionary new knowledge because not try another knot? Tips for this for example in. Original author and source of the article.

South Pole

The truth, that time has been one of the scientific matters more complicated and less studied since ancient times. For Einstein, the past, present and future can be compared among themselves by applying the theory of restricted relativity, but this determinism imposed by Einstein himself is lost on indeterminista view of quantum mechanics, so that the future has a dimension of opening different from the vision of the past is known, that American and British scientists who conducted research in Antarcticamade a sensational discovery. Brings us gnosis, that time has been one of the scientific issues more complicated and less studied since ancient times. Scientific British estadounidensesy who conducted research in Antarctica, made a sensational discovery. Mariann McLein us physics.UU. He told how researchers noticed something grey fog by turning in the sky above the pole that they believed It was an ordinary sandstorm. However, gray fog did not change in shape and not moved in the course of time. Said, researchers decided to investigate the phenomenon and launched meteorological unglobo with equipment capable of recording the speed of the wind, temperature and moisture in the air.

But the weather balloon soared and disappeared immediately. In a short time, researchers brought the weather balloon back to tierracon the help of a rope attached to the above.They were extremely surprised to see that a timer placed on the weather balloon showed the date of January 27, 1965, i.e. the same day forty years ago. The experiment was repeated several times after the investigadoresencontraron that the equipment was in good condition. But everytime I went back the clock showed one last time. The phenomenon is called the door of time and reported to the House Blanca.Hoy is in progress the investigation of the unusual phenomenon. It is assumed that the Rotary crater about the South Pole is a tunnel that enables to penetrate at other times.

Social Security Disability

The Social Security disability benefits, are offered to people who can not perform any work activity due to illness or accident at work, after exhausting, typically 18 months of temporary incapacity. This disease is not limited solely to physical disability, because the law also includes the cases of mental disabilities, as well as situations of death of the applicant. People who have managed the inability, usually having invested quite some time, claiming the benefits of this, but typically, the Social Security Administration, for one reason or another, is not inclined to grant this type of benefits to applicants of the same. Statistics show that more than two-thirds of the requests will be denied. Gary Kelly follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. This is the main reason of the why most petitioners need to bring their claims before the labour courts for having to defend their cases with oral arguments, hoping to convince the labour judges by their reasoning, and by the evidence of the truth of his situation. We already know that the process is heavy, and that it involves a bit of effort, however, applicants grow and grow still eager to claim the disability benefits. In most cases, the lack of information, is fatal to a claim of disability.

Here are some tips that can increase the chances of obtaining a favorable outcome. Requested support from your doctor, a detailed explanation in the reports of the why your Diagnostics keep you from working functionally, they will be very useful in your record of invalidity. It cooperates quickly and completely with the evaluator of the court physician who is in charge of your request, you need to respond quickly to your questions clearly and intelligently. Do not miss the deadlines for each of the formalities of allegations and resources, in each of the phases of your dossier. Be friendly with people trying your case, have a good relationship with them, can facilitate you each of the steps in the resolution of your issue. Follow others, such as Litecoin, and add to your knowledge base. Get recent reports and most up-to-date possible, with maximum detail in his diagnosis, as well as with all functional implications, and the greater number of specialists in each of the phases of allegations, and prior claim. Hires an attorney, preferably has experience in this type of cases, which, noticeably improve your chances to succeed in such matters, in the event that you have reason.

DAX Sets – Already More Than 900 Points Rise In 2012

On the exchanges, there is a general high spirits. The DAX rose already more than 900 points in the still very young year of 2012. In recent months, many financial difficulties led to turmoil in the stock market. The DAX suffered with accordingly and many investors harbored doubts about whether this trend would change in the new year. The discussion about the future of the EU with or without Greece was just one of the many problem issues.

So that is also the opinion of citizens, the online portal conducted a corresponding survey for the development of the DAX. Oracle is often quoted as being for or against this. 727 user of the Internet portal took part in the survey to the stock exchange. Opinions varied greatly, it could be noted however a clear majority. Currently, there is a high spirits on the stock exchange according to experts. This is in the first two months of the year 2012 due particularly to the positive developments of the DAX. After all, he rose to 900 points. Still, many investors with regard to the future development of the stock market remain very skeptical in 2012. To the question of how the user to the current Increases of the DAX are and how they assess their current mood, only 18 percent of those polled expressed positive.

They share the current euphoric mood of the stock market and are convinced that still everything will turn and the debt crisis can be overcome soon. At least 31 percent of the remaining respondents users are, however, highly ambivalent. You are still uncertain how the economy and the financial industry will evolve in the near future. A pessimistic majority of 51 percent compares with these two opinions. Said users are far from euphoric and doubt that the debt crisis is soon overcome. More information:.